Activating Career Readiness
Individualized coaching for college seniors and recent graduates as they plan and pursue career possibilities. By participating in the Joon Journey, a guided five-step exploration program, participants gain a deep understanding of career paths that are aligned to their passions, skills and experiences. In addition, individuals walk away with the tangible assets (e.g. resume, interview prep) needed to tell their story and fulfill their professional and personal objectives.
Cultivating Entrepreneurship
Practical advice and meaningful council for early stage entrepreneurs who seek rapid growth while staying aligned to the company’s purpose. Founders become equipped with fundamental management strategies and leadership techniques that advance their ideas into outcomes while preserving their mission.
Enabling Workforce ReEntry
Objective guidance for women who are returning to the workforce after an extended absence or navigating the transition back to a full-time position. Women build confidence and gain clarity by getting practical assistance on how to market their skills, address potential hurdles and stay true to their intentions.